Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Communist Rag Known As The Chronicle Blames GOP For Debt Problems

Carol Blochhead writes a blatantly partisan screed blaming the GOP for the Obama deficit.  The communications major posing as a journalist writes:
"After racking up bills for two wars, an unfunded Medicare drug benefit and a huge tax cut that undid Ronald Reagan's tax reform, Republicans say that the debt is President Obama's problem."
The Communications Major is correct in what she says but what she fails to mention is telling about her hackery, to wit, that Obamanocchio signed the $1.1 trillion stimulus (yes $1.1 trillion after interest payments), that Obamanocchio increased spending by 30% in three years, that Obama started a third war (Libya), and the Obamanocchio White House expects the Obama deficit to reach $1.65 trillion!

Via Gateway Pundit, here's a table outlining Obamanocchio's profligate spending:

That’s at least a 30% increase in federal spending in just 3 years, the Communications Major Carol Blochhead

Monday, July 11, 2011


Via Michelle Obama's Mirror

SMACKDOWN: Michelle vs. Kate

Via Sad Hill News

Job Losses Prove Stimulus Worked

Obamanocchio strikes again . . .
CNS reports: "Three days after the U.S. Department of Labor reported that the national unemployment rate had ticked up from 9.1 percent in May to 9.2 percent in June, President Barack Obama said that the loss of jobs in the public sector is 'evidence' that his $830-billion economic stimulus legislation worked."

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Lectures GOP On Budget

Harry "Pinky" Reid "lectured Republicans for backing away from tough decisions, sources said. . .

Pinky is so full of it. When he lectures the GOP for failing to make tough decisions, does he mean like not passing a budget when the democrat-socialists were in power? Or maybe he means the democrat-socialists' habit of not revealing the contents of a major bill before ramming it down our throats, like Obamanocchio's health rationing bill? Or maybe Pinky means his decision to not let the science dictate what happens with Yucca Mountain, without which the United States would let a nuclear waste problem fester for decades (to say nothing of the waste of billions for work already done)? So, Pinky, which is it?

Winegate! Possibly Drunk College Professor Accosts Republican Because He Spends Too Much Of His Own Money

Paul Ryan is accosted by possibly drunk and unhinged leftist "economics" professor for using his own money to buy a nice bottle of wine at dinner. My, my, what have we come to.

Mrs. Feinberg is categorized as an "extreme commuter" and apparently is also an extreme Marxist. The Washington Times reports:
"'We were just stunned,'" she told TPM. 'I was an economist so I started doing the envelope calculations and quickly figured out that those two bottles of wine was more [sic] than two-income working family making minimum wage earned in a week.' When she had finished her own meal, Feinberg confronted Ryan and angrily asked him "how he could live with himself" for drinking expensive wine while advocating cuts in Medicare and Medicaid. Feinberg left the restaurant after management intervened."
This is laughable on so many levels. Her and her husband were "stunned." Why? Because Paul Ryan paid for his own meal? Because he ordered an expensive bottle of wine? I think her moral outrage stems from the implication that legislators like Paul Ryan, because they are proposing plans that cut Marxist social services, are hypocrites if they splurge on luxury items. She has definitely been reading too much Lukacs and Gramsci.

I love the line "I was an economist so I started doing the envelope calculations and quickly figured out that those two bottles of wine was more [sic] than two-income working family making minimum wage earned in a week." LOL, does one need to be an economist to perform simple addition? I think my first grade son could have done this calculation pretty easily. And she "was" an economist? Is she still an economist? Does Rutgers limit its economists' qualification to mathematics only?

Nothing better than when elitist snobs like Feinberg make fools of themselves.

Despite Congressional Law Forbidding Such Donations, Obama Continues To Give Tax Dollars To "Famously Corrupt" ACORN

Wow, these guys are just crooks.
"A Judicial Watch investigation has found that the Obama Administration recently violated the ban on federal funding for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) by giving the famously corrupt group tens of thousands of dollars in grants to 'combat housing and lending discrimination.'”
And they're not even trying to hide it:
"This week a JW probe uncovered that Obama’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently awarded a $79,819 grant to an ACORN reincarnation called Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA). Incredibly, the government’s federal expenditure website openly describes the recipient as ACORN Housing Corporation Inc. and lists the group’s New Orleans address at 1024 Elysian Fields."
UPDATE:  Big Government reports that the violation is actually more egregious and that the amount illegally given to the "famously corrupt" ACORN exceeds half a million dollars!
"Remember that story from a few days ago, the one about the Obama administration giving ACORN a $79,819 grant in March despite a federal law that prohibits the government from giving money to ACORN? It turns out that sum is a lowball figure.I discovered Obama’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) gave ACORN another $461,086 in January. The funds were earmarked for ACORN Housing Corp. in January under HUD’s Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP), according to the government website"

The Three Marxist Amigos

via Sad Hill News

Southern California Wants To Cede From California And Form New State. UPDATE: Have You Ever Heard Of The Proposed State Of Jefferson?

This is intriguing
"Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone says that he wants as many as 13 counties in Southern California to secede from the state. CBS Los Angeles reports: Stone said in a statement late Thursday that Riverside, Imperial, San Diego, Orange, San Bernardino, Kings, Kern, Fresno, Tulare, Inyo, Madera, Mariposa and Mono counties should form the new state of South California."
Interestingly, the secession plan would exclude the drain on society that is Los Angeles.
"The new state would therefore encompass almost half of California's landmass, leaving out the strip of Southern California counties along the coast including Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. This is not the first time California has dealt with plans for secession, but until now most of the proposals have come from the rural counties of northern California where counties have tended to get left behind with state funding. In fact, in 1941, a campaign to create the new state of Jefferson from several counties in northern California and southern Oregon was on the brink of success. The counties, frustrated from their lack of adequate roads and funding put together the movement, and Jefferson looked to be on track to be the 49th state (Alaska and Hawaii weren't on board yet)."
The part about the proposed State of Jefferson is new. Here's a Wikipedia link discussing that proposal. For me, a lifelong Californian, I had never heard of this intriguing nugget of California history.
"The State of Jefferson is a proposed U.S. state that would span the contiguous and mostly rural area of Southern Oregon and Northern California, where several attempts to secede from Oregon and California, respectively, have taken place in order to gain own statehood.
This region on the Pacific Coast is the most famous of several that have sought to adopt the name of Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States. Thomas Jefferson sent the Lewis and Clark expedition into the Pacific Northwest in 1803, and envisioned the establishment of an independent nation in the western portion of North America which he dubbed the "Republic of the Pacific",[1] hence the association of his name with regional autonomy. The independence movement (rather than statehood) is instead known as Cascadia."
On a side note, Northern California needs to create its own state and exclude San Francisco and Sacramento Counties, which are essentially mini-LA's in terms of the populace's drain on society. These polities can create their own state called Marxville.

Leftist CBS Headline:"Even Dollar Stores Struggling In ‘Obama Depression’"

When leftist media throws Dear Leader under the bus, you know the Obama Depression is truly here.
“'I think what’s going on in those stores is that we are in a depression for 80 percent of Americans,'” top retail analyst Howard Davidowitz told KNX 1070."
But don't worry, Obamanocchio will blame the Dollar Stores troubles on the GOP for not agreeing to tax increases on the "wealthiest Americans."

Al Queda Press (AP) Presents Obama As Grand Compromiser and GOP As Hard-Headed Corporate Shills

The Communist Rag a.k.a. the San Francisco Chronicle eagerly includes a heavily biased Al Queda Press's (AP) article on the deficit negotiations.  The first four paragraphs of this Obama-friendly article do not even mention what the Republican position in the negotiations might be. The reader is left to guess as the CM (communications major now claiming to be a newspaper writer) implies that the GOP is hard-headed and uncompromising (like the Taliban) while Obamanocchio is reasonable and willing to compromise in order to save America. The CM cunningly writes:
"President Barack Obama declared on Monday there would be no deal on raising the government's debt limit if Republicans won't compromise . . ."
. . .
"'I don't see a path to a deal if they don't budge. Period,' the president said in a challenge to his political opponents, accusing Republicans of having a "my way or the highway" posture."
And of course, when the GOP position is mentioned in the fifth paragraph of this Pro-Obama screed, it is referenced as "cutbacks in tax breaks for the wealthy and some big corporations."

Obamanocchio then proceeds to lecture ordinary Americans for caring about their country:
"The president warned that failure to reach agreement could create another recession and throw millions of Americans out of work, painting a picture of catastrophe if a partisan stalemate is not broken and Congress fails to act. He criticized politicians who say the debt ceiling doesn't need to be raised. 'It's irresponsible. They know better,' Obama said."
The gall of this man is endless. He does nothing for almost three years, two of which have his own democrat-socialist party in power, and only now when his re-election bid might be in jeopardy, he lectures and demonizes the GOP and all ordinary Americans as being "irresponsible." Sometimes I wonder if this is an intentional strategy, that is, to so enrage the common man as to make us appear crazy and out of the mainstream. If so, how devilish!

Another Obama Speech; Another Fact Checking Assignment!

It's come to the point that every time this President speaks, fact-checking is required.  Obamanocchio is the master of half-truths and false choices. (via Hot Air).

President Obama Changes Position On Raising Taxes During Recession

In the face of record unemployment, then Candidate Obama said raising taxes in a recession was a bad idea.

But in the present debt ceiling negotiations, President Obamanocchio is insisting on billions in tax hikes.
"In a 75-minute meeting Sunday night, President Obama once again demanded that more than $1 trillion in tax increases be part of any deficit reduction package attached to a vote on the debt ceiling. In the session, Obama rejected a Republican proposal to seek $2.5 trillion in spending cuts and reforms, and insisted on higher taxes on businesses and wealthy individuals."
What explains this change of attitude, or is it merely a now well-known fact that Obamanocchio never means what he says?  I had such high hopes. Liar!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Americans Still Prefer Free Market Over Totalitarian Socialism

For those of us beginning to doubt the sanity of the American voter, here's some good news:
"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 72% of Likely U.S. Voters believe a free market economy is better than an economy managed by the government. Just 14% think a government-managed economy is better. Another 14% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here)."
The bad news is that democratic-socialist voters continue to reveal themselves as Marxists, or to reveal themselves as confused or plain stupid:
"Among Democrats, 48% say a free market is better, but 29% think a government-managed economy is the answer. Twenty-three percent (23%) are not sure."
In other words, 52% of democrat-socialists DO NOT prefer a free market economy or do not have an opinion. God save us if attitudes don't change among these people.

Media Spins Obama As Deficit Hawk

The San Francisco Communist rag known as the Chronicle, as it's habit, spins our Dear Leader Obama as a tough deficit hawk opposed to cuts that impact the poor.
"President Barack Obama is pressing congressional leaders to accept a $4 trillion debt reduction deal that Republicans have rejected for its tax increases and Democrats dislike for its cuts to programs for seniors and the poor, administration officials said hours before talks resumed Sunday."
Of course, the democrat socialists are portrayed as trying to protect cuts "to programs for seniors and the poor." The spin does not stop there as the next three paragraphs are written from the perspective of Dear Leader and socialist-democrats:
"'He's not someone to walk away from a tough fight,' White House chief of staff William Daley said. 'Everyone agrees that a number around $4 trillion is the number that will ... make a serious dent in our deficit.' But embedded among the tough words was rhetoric that acknowledged the 'big deal's' prospects had become uncertain at best. 'We're going to try to get the biggest deal possible,' said Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner."
Yes, Obama is so tough and tenacious. He is going to fight for you, the common man and will not give up on a deal to save the Country. He is not one to "walk away from a tough fight" and of course "everyone agrees" that the "$4trillion is the number that will . . . make a serious dent in our deficit."

Thank god for our Dear Leader.