Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Communist Rag Known As The Chronicle Blames GOP For Debt Problems

Carol Blochhead writes a blatantly partisan screed blaming the GOP for the Obama deficit.  The communications major posing as a journalist writes:
"After racking up bills for two wars, an unfunded Medicare drug benefit and a huge tax cut that undid Ronald Reagan's tax reform, Republicans say that the debt is President Obama's problem."
The Communications Major is correct in what she says but what she fails to mention is telling about her hackery, to wit, that Obamanocchio signed the $1.1 trillion stimulus (yes $1.1 trillion after interest payments), that Obamanocchio increased spending by 30% in three years, that Obama started a third war (Libya), and the Obamanocchio White House expects the Obama deficit to reach $1.65 trillion!

Via Gateway Pundit, here's a table outlining Obamanocchio's profligate spending:

That’s at least a 30% increase in federal spending in just 3 years, the Communications Major Carol Blochhead

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