Mrs. Feinberg is categorized as an "extreme commuter" and apparently is also an extreme Marxist. The Washington Times reports:
"'We were just stunned,'" she told TPM. 'I was an economist so I started doing the envelope calculations and quickly figured out that those two bottles of wine was more [sic] than two-income working family making minimum wage earned in a week.' When she had finished her own meal, Feinberg confronted Ryan and angrily asked him "how he could live with himself" for drinking expensive wine while advocating cuts in Medicare and Medicaid. Feinberg left the restaurant after management intervened."This is laughable on so many levels. Her and her husband were "stunned." Why? Because Paul Ryan paid for his own meal? Because he ordered an expensive bottle of wine? I think her moral outrage stems from the implication that legislators like Paul Ryan, because they are proposing plans that cut Marxist social services, are hypocrites if they splurge on luxury items. She has definitely been reading too much Lukacs and Gramsci.
I love the line "I was an economist so I started doing the envelope calculations and quickly figured out that those two bottles of wine was more [sic] than two-income working family making minimum wage earned in a week." LOL, does one need to be an economist to perform simple addition? I think my first grade son could have done this calculation pretty easily. And she "was" an economist? Is she still an economist? Does Rutgers limit its economists' qualification to mathematics only?
Nothing better than when elitist snobs like Feinberg make fools of themselves.
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